Worship With Us!
COVID-19 Protocols
(Updated 8-18-2022)
As United Methodist Christians we adhere to both instructions from Jesus to love God, love our neighbor, and John Wesley's instructions to "Do No Harm."
We are following the most recent updated guidelines put forth by the Western NC Conference of the United Methodist Church. Masks are strongly encouraged to help limit the spread of germs.
Hand sanitizer and extra masks are readily available. Thank you for your understanding as we seek to follow Jesus’ greatest commandment to love God and our neighbor!
Sunday Mornings at 10:30am
Come as you are and join us for our weekly worship service in-person or online. The service usually lasts between 45-50 minutes.
Please go to our Facebook page where you will find the most up-to-date information about the church!
What to Expect?
Our Sunday service is a traditional United Methodist order of worship with prayers, scripture, and music.
Upon arrival, enter through the side doors closest to N. Main Street where you will be greeted by one of our ushers. You are then invited to receive hand sanitizer and find a seat in any pew.
We hope to see you Sunday!